Smart Audio Conferencing

IntaCloud’s Smart Audio-Conferencing service enables users to initiate and moderate their own audio conferences, enabling efficient and effective group communication and has advanced, flexible features that can be accessed by any phone, anywhere. Personalised conferences can be arranged without having to book meeting rooms or conference bridges, thereby speeding up information sharing and decision making.


Benefits Summary

  • Boosts productivity – by allowing ad-hoc meetings to be arranged as and when required.
  • Reduces travel costs – by enabling participants to join conferences from any telephone – in the office, on the road or working from home.
  • Removes barriers to discussion – as there’s no need to book a room to hold a meeting.
  • Minimises conference set up effort – by auto-populating Outlook meeting invites with conference access numbers.
  • Reduces conference management effort – with the intuitive moderator client.
  • Ensures security – through personalised credentials and a conference-lock feature to prevent unwanted additional participants from joining a conference.
  • Fully hosted solution – no hardware to install or maintain.

Available Features

  • International Access – bring people together from abroad with UK and European conference access numbers.
  • Geographic conference access numbers – low cost conferencing by avoiding expensive non-geographic conference access numbers.
  • Outlook Add-in – makes it easy to set up and join conferences.
  • Conference Moderator client – makes it easy to manage a conference so you get the most out of it.
  • Powerful Touch Tone controls – available from any phone for moderators and participants once the conference has started.

Why choose Audio Conferencing from IntaCloud?

  • Easy and cost-effective access using a UK or European geographic conference access number.
  • Included as standard within IntaCloud’s UC-Pro seat that also provides Unified Communications functions such as mobility, instant messaging, presence and video calling.
  • Hosted PBX users benefit from the Outlook Add-in and Conference Moderator Client to monitor and control the conference.
  • Easily added to selected users of Hosted PBX customers or SIP Trunking service or can be a standalone service.

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